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September 08, 2010 | 1 Comment | Labels :

Pregnancy should not be seen as a form of ill health, therefore a woman should be able to have and enjoy sex during pregnancy, unless her doctor says otherwise. If there is no problem
whatsoever with the woman and the pregnancy is progressing well, she may continue to have sex until about 2 to 3 weeks before her Expected Date of Delivery (EDD). In fact, some couples have sex till labour without any complaint. But if the pregnancy is undergoing some problem, both the man and woman should exercise caution. It must be stated that pregnancy is not a sickness. It is a normal natural process. So, normal sex life should go on unless the doctor has advised against it.

Many women who wonder if they can actually have sex without harming their babies should know that in the womb, the baby is well protected by the amniotic fluid which surrounds it. Intercourse or orgasm during pregnancy will not harm the baby, unless there is a medical problem. However, there may be need to look for alternative positions in order to be comfortable. As pregnancy progresses, changing positions may become necessary for comfort. After the fourth month of pregnancy a woman may notice feeling dizzy or nauseated while lying flat on her back. This is related to the weight of the growing uterus pressing on major blood vessels. Positions may need to be altered at this time.

Different positions during pregnancy include;
- Woman on top - This position has you straddling your partner, while he lies down on the bed. This is a great position as it takes all the pressure off your abdomen and allows you to control the depth and frequency of thrusting. It also gives your partner a great view.

-Woman on back - This position is like the missionary position but without any added pressure to the abdomen or uterus. You lie on your back and raise your knees up towards your chest. Your partner then kneels between your legs and enters from the front. You can even rest your feet on your partner ’s chest for support. Place a pillow under your bottom for added comfort. This position isn ’t recommended after the fourth month. You should avoid lying on
your back for extended periods after this point in your pregnancy, as the weight of your uterus
could block vessels that supply blood to your uterus and legs.

-Sideways - This position has you and your partner lying on your sides facing one another. It keeps weight off your abdomen while supporting your uterus at the same time. It is also very intimate, as you and your partner are both facing one another.

-Spooning - This is one of the most popular positions to use during the late stages of pregnancy. You and your partner lie on your sides, with your partner behind you, facing your back. Entry is from the rear. This position is very comfortable for pregnant women because it keeps the weight off the belly and allows for shallow penetration. Sometimes, deep penetratein is very uncomfortable in the late stages of pregnancy.

-Sitting - Get your partner to sit in a sturdy chair and then straddle him. This will keep any added pressure off your stomach, and allows for a very intimate experience.

Below, however are some reasons medical experts say might make you to avoid sexual intercourse with your partner during pregnancy:

Intercourse may be restricted if there is history of miscarriages. During intercourse, there should be no pain. If you have any contraction that is painful or arbitrary, please contact your doctor.
Also, discontinue intercourse and call your doctor immediately if you have heavy vaginal bleeding or if your water breaks (nothing should inter the vagina after your water breaks). Another problem with sex during pregnancy is if the woman has placenta preavia, a situation where the placenta precedes the presenting parts of the baby. This can cause torrential bleeding and therefore, dangerous.

Furthermore, a pregnant woman should avoid sex if she is at risk of pre-term labour. Sperm has prostaglandins that can actually ripen the cervix and make it more likely that you will go into
labour, if a woman is prone to pre-term labour to begin with. Another issue to note is if you have sex or orgasm that causes your uterus to contract, and contractions can lead to pre-term labour if they don ’t stop.

Important Note:
- Pregnancy Is not a form of ill health
- A woman can have and enjoy sex throughout the duration of pregnancy
- When in doubt, seek medical advise
- Look for alternative and convenient positions


  1. Shockzynwa Says:

    Whoa dz is nice coz most pregnant woman thinks pregnancy is the end of having sex with their least the guy woun't have to go out to plex his sexual feeling during dz period.gwd work.!

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